ASSC Seminar: The Human Self Construct & Prefrontal Cortex In Schizophrenia

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Mar 20 20:34:23 EST 1999

>  The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness  (ASSC)

Weren't those the ones who managed that embarassing thingie last
summer solstice in Bremen?

I'd say after that one them folks should change the name, unless they
want to make science a fool.

Alzheimer has been a little bit around too long, apart from all
brainsurfers with self perception I ever met saying to have I areas in
the limbic system, to press the ignore button and instead go for
discussions involving among other thingies the abuse of persons of
other races and listeners at points afterwards applauding.


A look at the titles already was amusing:

Friday, June 19

Bernard J. Baars
Using GLOBAL workspace theory to CLARIFY  THE brain basis of 


Then more babbling about optics, babbling about other stuff, and in
the whole program I just read one title that had to with limbic stuff,

and among other thingies about "the disease of consciousness".

The top hilarious thingie being that they had consciousness in the
singular in the title, obviously not even having gotten to that there
are several areas conscious yet.

Keep trying, in some years or decades you might catch up with some of
the data of some of the autists regarded as a living disease.

And if you go like this in some centuries you might catch up with
magic far enough to get the teleptahic autist 
I - you differentiation merge 

(Sarcastic grin.  ;-)


How about you first understand the conscious areas better,
understand relations between own areas and the front better,
then understand differences between people(s) better, then understand
what you call "schizophrenia" better,
and then, with a different headline, get towards topics like that?

>Seminar Leader:
>Kai Vogeley, Dept of Psychiatry, University of Bonn, Germany

But then again for psychiatry, Bonn and Germany 
that might not be what is wanted. Lol.

>Beginning March 15, you can follow THE HUMAN SELF CONSTRUCT & PREFRONTAL
>CORTEX IN SCHIZOPHRENIA by subscribing to the ASSC public list:

What for? If I want some joke show there are enough on T.V.

IF I would find myself not mad enough already and wanted to self
reconstruct myself, I'd find searching for an I area subsegregater
willing to go for a magic partial energy linking several times more
effective than neurobabbling.
But the prefrontal bit might be interesting.
Not sure I'd want to link energies with a naturally hallucinating
brain long enough for systems in my head to alter too much to such.
Scares me seriously to link too much with hallucinating brains on LSD
too long already.  (Then again IMO it is often easier to understand
first in the own or another brain more about an area and then go for
neuro-irxtlsrrksing subdetails about it, than the other way around.

>Kai Vogeley, Martin  Kurthen, Peter Falkai & Wolfgang Maier Rheinische
>Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitdt Bonn   The human self construct comprises
>essential  features such as the experience of ownership, of
>body-centered spatial  perspectivity, and of a long term unity of
>beliefs and attitudes.
Let me guess, they are sense censored and headblind.
Bad combi.  Peope who are sense censored IMO should keep out of
healing schizophrenia, as they'd not even be able to reprogram enough
energy control into the other brain that the other learns how to alter
own brain energies and steer between different ranges and learn which
ones are the one where hallucinating takes (not) place.

Without even being able to do that, how do you want to get far?

Pop damaging drugs into someone organs without trying methods that
have been effective for thousands of years first, 
like the Westie psychiatry way?

Maybe the according people should get far enough to discern between
different ways of self construction, and for several of dear ever so
diseased, self construct tends to mean altering structures in the own
brain, and if it is not just area construct, but self construct, it
tends to mean I areas of the brain.

And once they are able to get basics about substance height and
structure reprogrammings for different sectors, 
maybe they could chnge from their beliefs and attitudes to some a bit
more advanced ones, in other words catching up with part of the magic
data from several thousand years ago.

> In the  pathophysiology of schizophrenia, it is
>suggested that clinical  subsyndromes  like cognitive disorganization
>and derealization reflect  disorders of this self model.

That self model is nonsense, 
but that there are cognitive disorganizations not necessarily.

But then again there are different thinking basics.

Already starting with someone listening only part of the time and for
the holes filling in guesses and treat them like facts.

Or someone taking a real situation or person and altering it in
fantasy versions until it is altered for the own perception.

Or someone not wanting to know things about himself and then avoiding
what might be leading that one has to face it, the avoidance
"programs" seeing to reality perception alterations.

Or someone having his partner die and preferring to be convinced of
rebirth, the other being in Heaven or some other continuing over some
maggot pile of flesh with the skull eventually becoming visible.

Or someone wanting the own person or race to be better than others,
and even if the own group is basically messing up the planet like no
other plague ever, disturning Earth harmonies, is one if not THE most
brutal kind of Earth, and simply taking a few features of himself and
declaring them to be the cause that he is better than others.
And therefore maybe even justifying imprisoning, abusing and killing
others. Master race or super(ior)-whatever, and the rest below.

There are a lot of people, who might have facts in front of them and
prefer not to really understand them and belief into something

> These features are neurobiologically  instantiated as an episodically active complex of
>neural activation patterns,  and can be mapped onto the brain given
>adequate operationalizations of self  model features. 

And what are adequate operationalizations of 

self model 


>In its unique capability of integrating external and  internal data, the prefrontal
>cortex (PFC) appears to be an essential  component of the neuronal
>implementation of the self construct. 
>With  close connections to other unimodal association cortices, and to the  limbic system, PFC provides
>an internally represented model of the world,  and internal milieu of
>the organism, both serving world orientation.  

Has it ever occured to you that parts of the dear limbic system and
parts of the sequencer might command data in the lower and upper
frontal cortex?

I guess not.

Ever shifted the front to transcending perception ?

>The study of the pathophysiological basis of  psychiatric disorders is
>increasingly contributing to the theoretical debate  on the neuronal
>basis of the self construct.

You meant to make money and monopolize insurances.

For self construct I doubt they'd even be able to center for
themselves in the brain and far less areas as remote as in the front.

Self construct is sort of rare mental art, and psychiatry is lagging
thousands of years back in magic,  
and lags in akasha surfing or whatever they call it so bad, that even
very simple energy steering reprogrammings in another brain are not
possible for them usually.

If wanting to go junkying on drugs, wanting to mess up own receptor
molecule numbers and maybe some organs in the body I guess I might
find it a cool branch to turn to, though.

"Psychiatric disorder". Actually a funny term for that branch if I
think about it.

Is there any other so-called healers branch with an even higher rate
of people killing each other afterwards?

Or even killing some of them them with drugs eventually or causing
serious organ damages?

Get a proper magic training of some decades 
or at least a few primitive basics to show how to steer into ranges
where there is no hallucinating and some other old skills that have
been effective in many cases for thousands of years on this planet in
very different cultures,
or give advice to people hallucinating to go to healers more properly
trained for such.

I don't even understand how some can be living on stolen Red Indian
ground, their healers here counted as among the most effective of
Earth in such  because there often the healer himself had to learn how
to deal with hallucinating himself,
and how to be able to not have some of the most primitive magic

That's like someone wanting to teach someone how to read and not able
to write more than four letters.

To take central energy control for areas in the neocortex is one of
the mental arts of Earth that sober might take many many years to
learn, and on LSD for some about a dozen sessions just for starts,
and unless you are not able to steer as central energy control in the
other brain, how do you even want to get the other one to learn to
change to the ranges where there is no hallucinating, and how do you
want him to learn more from other consenting brains aware of
potentiaal dangers of such links  about how energies are in other
brains and how to change between different ranges?

To me part of this sounds more like ideas someone might have into
drugging people and making profit of it, 
than like the words of a serious energy worker into mental (& maybe
physical) healing.

But I guess like last year, the game is to lag behind, just that this
time it is not about lagging back many years, but many thousands of
years behind some stuff.

You are getting better folks, go on!

And make sure you keep consciousness in the singular, 
that alone is jolly LOLly.

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