re- Breakthrough? study finds dopamine cannot be source of pleasure in brain

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Mar 20 20:34:35 EST 1999

>... pleasure in brain
Here Netherlandish Black Labs have a pretty high rep for mixing some
loads seeing to that. If people were less stupid, there are probably
thousands of not hundreds of thousands of human testees over parts of
Europe for substances causing different forms of pleasures.

I believe I already mentioned that I rate chicken trips as a healer

If anyone into chemistry has nothing to do, it might be worth to find
out what the non LSD stuff on them is (chemical structure).

BTW, any way to take dopamine as a drug and if so is there any
addiction rate worth mentioning to it? Else I guess one could just pop
it and check what it does.

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