Bilingual Brains

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Mar 20 20:35:40 EST 1999

>Cij, leave Frank F. LeFever, Ph.D alone.  What's he done to you, except
>his disapproval to your drug experiments [while you post]? (if I remember

HE was for me taking drugs, though when nailing him down to it he was
suddenly deciding against it.

In front of the computer I do not tend to experiment much, the one I
did about the what where and pointing out that I myself have a lot to
do with what/where stuff alone already in what I call the playground
and what he would probably irxtlwrrks cingulate whatever, and went on
about some other what/where stuff was more collecting some data about
it, censoring out all where I figured he'd be magically too many
thousands of years behind the data of Earth to understand that, and
then later making some summary for him of the stuff so he can get it

I am not the type to in front of a monitor start experimenting with
sector accessing stuff to do with what/where in my brain or a brain
allowing me to vampire in the others energies and alter what/where

With monitors on LSD I have to watch it to never range into
transcending ranges, as that suxs and system damage reports even if I
slip for just some seconds can last for over two minutes with quite
some power.

F.F.LF., Ph.D. is IMO not so daft that he has not gotten yet that
there are not just neuroshrinks on the planet, who might be into
drugging and frying the brains of others, because they are not getting
some of the basics of the psyche by cutting around in persons of other
but that there are other branches, and that I am an LSD teacher.

IMO he understands ways less about LSD teaching than I about his
branch, and the joke for me was more in that with MBD due to being
born late like with me  IMO you can drug a long time and not get far,
as when what I perceived to be energy differences compared to other
people got too annoying I tried a bunch of drugs, too, and most stuff
just messed up more.

(Though to my amusement I noticed that on some drugs people seem to
assume that I am sober. Including someone who has known me for some
years calling while I was on several trips and asking me about
something serious, and when I commented after a longer conversation in
the end that it is straining for me on that stuff to listen and talk
that long, she was amazed that I was on them and said that she had not
noticed. While sober it happened several times that people mistook me
being on drugs. Personally I believe that some concussion back then
made me ways more dumb than all drugs I took in my life. Back then I
often did not even get simple jokes in my language anymore.)

>What is the goal that you wish to accomplish by the denigration of someone
>who sincerely posts subject matter relating to his area of expertise?

I just looked up denigration: Why should I ever denigrate someone into
imprisoning persons of other races, such compassion for other's
language problems, with such remarkable memory theories, etc. ?

Alone the intellect when going on about some others like Cheng and
Ken, and calling one person the name of another, censoring attempts
and displays of what I call the third emotion genator are so awesome
concerning the degree of wisdom.

And the bit about "my soandso case" is seeming so deeply to show
perception of the individual, understanding of what for me are main
emotion generator subprograms and how to alter them in a way that is
helping a person in a fast and wise way, that I find it impressive.

So much about denigration.


If you had bothered to get the whole you might have noticed that had
some point F. Frank LeFever, Ph. D., had denigrated my spelling and
language capacities at a point where I had mentioned several times
that I had had a concussion and afterwards had to basically relearn a
lot of spelling and also stuff within talking (in German and English),
and might have noticed that the drug question was a test with which I
decided if I should take him serious or not, as I could not entirely
exclude that he had not just been doing some primitive rank fighting
and playing censorer stuff back then when he mentioned it, and that
there might be actually some drug stuff that at times where there are
MBD problems that suck might be interesting.

That after I told him that I (seriously) do not believe that inside he
is far enough for mental healing, he then goes off against me taking
LSD as an LSD teacher is typical for him, 
and also that he did not even get half as far listing damages LSD can
cause as I tend to when instructing newies,
and also that he obviously did not understand the Student & Journeyman
into The Temple Of The Mind series, not even till 
level 3 / occipital link-through.

There are people rather damaging and maybe even killing other persons
of other races for their research, 
being for damaging persons of the own race with drugs and electricity,

but who are against someone using a drug among other thingies for
research on oneself where a "pope" of it if I recall right turned over
70 years and the person inventing it, said to still being taking it,
also quite old.

Such people tend to be so convincing.

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