i need 30g obturator wire

Michael Tordoff tordoff at monell.org
Mon Mar 22 12:50:45 EST 1999

Matt Maingay <mattm at es.co.nz> wrote in message
news:922068198.381410 at Chaos.es.co.nz...
> does anyone know where i can buy some stainless steel 30G (0.5 diameter)
> wire to use as an obturator for a fine cannula?
> mattm at es.co.nz
In the US?

Try Small Parts Inc

They have dozens of sizes:
Part no R-GWXX-050 fits inside 30 Ga hyperdermic tubing
60 inches cost $3.64 with no minimum order, and modest shipping charges

The last three digits of the part number give the wire diameter in thousands
of an inch, from -050 to -650

Small parts also has an amazing catalogue of tubing, meshes, bearings..etc.

Another source is Plastic Products, who make pre-built infusion cannulas.
However, I've found them to be more expensive, and had problems getting
delivery in less than a month.

Mike Tordoff
Monell Center
Philadelphia, USA

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