Is thinking more like a thunderstorm or like a calculation?

Bisqwit (Joel Yliluoma) joelhy at evitech.fi
Mon Mar 22 16:31:28 EST 1999

u794799804 at spawnkill.ip-mobilphone.net wrote:

Please do not put javascript or url redirectors or ANY www stuff
into news articles - I had difficulties to read your message
because it forwarded to a unexistant web page.

> The requested URL could not be retrieved
> While trying to retrieve the URL: http://0303.064.00026.034/p.js 
> The following error was encountered: 
>      Unable to determine IP address from host name for 0303.064.00026.034 
> The dnsserver returned: 
>      DNS Domain '0303.064.00026.034' is invalid: Host not found (authoritative). 
> This means that: 
>  The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL. 
>  Check if the address is correct. 
> Generated Mon, 22 Mar 1999 21:30:53 GMT by proxy.icon.fi (Squid/2.1.PATCH2) 

Joel Yliluoma - mailto:joelhy at evitech.fi - http://www.icon.fi/~bisqwit/
LaRbot:199903221239   LaWdws:199903221239   LaLnux:199811292330
ToRbot:19980908:1262  ToWdws:19980908:588   ToLnux:19980908:123
Is something wrong? - Something: no. Everything: Yes. /Vir&Londo,Thow/B5

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