You are referring to human values. Almost all our values can not be
programmed. If you try, you are going to fall into a logic trap in the end,
i.e. "to make a program to choose other programs without being made up of
Values are related to the entropy of a system in biological level. I have
mentioned the concept of entropy in and
Cui Siling
In article <36F3F580.136B8B8F at>,
"Bisqwit (Joel Yliluoma)" <joelhy at> wrote:
> I don't think thinking is like a thunderstorm.
> It is not like a calculation, but it is nearer.
> Thinking - and logical decisions - when brains make a
> decision, it is always data comparing.
>> You have a group of assertions, and then you put them
> into balance - whichever weights most, it helps making
> the decision.
> When you sit on chair and hear a sound from outside,
> you choose between assertions:
> - It is comformtable to sit - don't leave
> - You are curious to know about the sound source - leave
> - You can not recognize the sound - investigate it
> - It is good weather outside - leave
> - You have sat for a long time,
> it would be good to go out - leave
> - You have important job to do - don't leave
> - You have a cat sleeping in your arms
> and do not want to wake it. - don't leave.
>> Then you multiply then results for the assertion tests
> by some constants... With the 'how'-factors.
> Then, if 'leave' wins, you leave. Otherwise you stay.
> If they are in balance, you think about it until you
> decide something or something else comes to your mind.
>> I don't know how does this work on the biological level,
> but I don't find it difficult to think about.
>> Sorry if I did not give you anything new to think about,
> but I found the topic (subject) interesting and wanted
> to write this. I read the group
> and have no experience of neural nets programming.
>> --
> Joel Yliluoma - mailto:joelhy at -> LaRbot:199903201936 LaWdws:199903201936 LaLnux:199811292330
> ToRbot:19980908:1256 ToWdws:19980908:585 ToLnux:19980908:123
> Is something wrong? - Something: no. Everything: Yes. /Vir&Londo,Thow/B5
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