Thank you!
F. LeFever
In <7d2bln$gp$1 at> davidkaiser at writes:
>>I think this is what Frank asked for:
>>Neurofeedback's impact on Epilepsy (a selected list of citations)
>>Sterman, MB (1996). Physiological origins and functional correlates of
>EEG rhythmic activities: Implications for self-regulation. Biofeedback
>Self Regulation, 21, 3-33. (Sterman reviews 82 articles, published
>1927-1995, on the neurophysiological and functional bases of EEG
>characteristics and the clinical use of EEG in self-regulation.)
>>Finley, William W. Operant conditioning of the EEG in two patients
>with epilepsy: Methodologic and clinical considerations. Pavlovian
>Journal of Biological Science, 1977 Apr-Jun, v12 (n2):93-111.
>>Kuhlman, William N. EEG feedback training of epileptic patients:
>Clinical and electroencephalographic analysis.
>Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, 1978 Dec, v45
>>Kuhlman, William N. EEG feedback training: Enhancement of
>somatosensory cortical activity. Electroencephalography & Clinical
>Neurophysiology, 1978 Aug, v45 (n2):290-294.
>>Lantz DL, Sterman MB (1988). Neuropsychological assessment of
>subjects with uncontrolled epilepsy: effects of EEG feedback
>training. Epilepsia 1988 Mar;29(2):163-171.
>>Lantz, Delee; Sterman, M. B. Neuropsychological prediction and
>outcome measures in relation to EEG feedback training for the
>treatment of epilepsy. IN: The neuropsychology of epilepsy.
>Critical issues in neuropsychology.; Thomas L. Bennett, Ed. Plenum
>Press, New York, NY, US, 1992. 213-231 of xx, 316 pp.
>>Lubar, Joel F. Electroencephalographic biofeedback methodology and
>the management of epilepsy. Pavlovian Journal of Biological
>Science, 1977 Jul-Sep, v12 (n3):147-185.
>>Lubar JF, Bahler WW. (1976). Behavioral management of epileptic
>seizures following EEG biofeedback training of the sensorimotor
>rhythm. Biofeedback Self Regul 1976 Mar;1(1):77-104.
>>Lubar JF, Shabsin HS, Natelson SE, Holder GS, Whitsett SF, Pamplin
>WE, Krulikowski DI. EEG operant conditioning in intractable
>epileptics. Arch Neurol 1981 Nov;38(11):700-704.
>>Sterman MB (1989). Future perspectives for applied psychophysiology
>and biofeedback. Biofeedback Self Regul 1989 Jun;14(2):83-88.
>>Sterman, M. B. Sensorimotor EEG feedback training in the study and
>treatment of epilepsy. IN: The neurobehavioral treatment of
>epilepsy.; David I. Mostofsky, Yngve Loyning, Eds. Lawrence Erlbaum
>Associates, Inc, Hillsdale, NJ, US, 1993. 1-17 of ix, 350 pp.
>>Sterman, MB; Goodman, S. J.; Kovalesky, R. A. Effects of
>sensorimotor EEG feedback training on seizure susceptibility in the
>rhesus monkey. Experimental Neurology, 1978 Dec, v62 (n3):735-747.
>>Sterman, MB; Friar, L. Suppression of seizures in an epileptic
>following sensorimotor EEG feedback training.
>Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, 1972 Jul, v33
>>Sterman, MB; Macdonald, L. R.; Stone, R. K. Biofeedback training of
>the sensorimotor electroencephalogram rhythm in man: Effects on
>epilepsy. Epilepsia, 1974 Sep, v15 (n3):395-416.
>>Sterman MB, 1981. EEG biofeedback: physiological behavior
>modification. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 5(3), 405-412.
>>Sterman, M. B. Sensorimotor EEG operant conditioning: Experimental
>and clinical effects. Pavlovian Journal of Biological Science, 1977
>Apr-Jun, v12 (n2):63-92.
>>Tansey, Michael A. The response of a case of petit mal epilepsy to
>EEG sensorimotor rhythm biofeedback training. International Journal
>of Psychophysiology, 1985 Nov, v3 (n2):81-84.
>>Tozzo, Carmen A.; Elfner, Lloyd F.; May, Jack G. EEG biofeedback
>and relaxation training in the control of epileptic seizures.
>International Journal of Psychophysiology, 1988 Aug, v6
>>Walker, J. (1995). Remediation of Nocturnal Seizures by EEG
>Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation.
>>Whitsett SF, Lubar JF, Holder GS, Pamplin WE, Shabsin HS. A
>double-blind investigation of the relationship between seizure
>activity and the sleep EEG following EEG biofeedback training.
>Biofeedback & Self Regulation, 1982 Jun, v7 (n2):193-209.
>>In article flefever at Frank LeFever) wrote:
>>>>>> There should be an email equivalent of a rubber stamp for this
>> perennial question: "Reported by whom, where? Please give proper
>> citation. (n.b.: reference to someone's webpage is NOT a proper
>> citation)"
>>>> One especially must resort to this question when somewhat
>> claims are being made.
>>>> F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
>> New York Neuropsychology Group
>>>> In <921707243mnewsroshicorp at> roshicorp at (Chuck
>> Davis) writes:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Could you help me please
>> >> I would like information on using neurofeedback in the treatment
>> >> epileptic fits
>> >> Thanks
>> >> Bob
>> >>
>> > There are couple of new reports indicating a possible reduction
>> > in brain blood flow as an antagonizer.
>> >
>> > The use of my EEG coupled AVS system, w/ neurofeedback, has
>> > reports of increased meantime between auras.
>> >
>> > .-.
>> -.
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>> >-/--Chuck Davis
>> -------\-----/---\---/-\---/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\--
>> > RoshiCorp at \ / \_/ `-' \ / \ /
>> > \ / `-' `-' \ /
>> > `-' `-'
>> >>> >>> >
>> >
>> >
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