>and perhaps first-cousin to OCD, responding to similar medications (selective serotonin reuptake blockers)
>--even in the canine equivalent.
>F. Frank LeFever
"Robert J. Brooks" <rjbrooks at mail.sover.net> wrote:
>The term is trichotillomania and the previous responses are on target.
>Usually responds to a few sessions with child psychiatrist, often stress
>related, may recur and children can be treated with SSRIs (selective
>serotonic reuptake inhibitors) for this kind of problem.
How about messing up receptor molecule numbers
in areas of the brain hardly understood
with drugs in a child
whose brain is declared the possession of others
so that the hair looks better.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"\"Sir Knowitall\""
>Back to form, I can see! ;-)
>>You ought to make a study of yourself. But I am sure you are too afraid of
>what you might be faced with. %-/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My 4 year old daughter pulls her hair out in her sleep and recently
>when she is tired or hungry also in daytime.
>>> She has a big bold spot now on top of her head.
If you have someone older with a sort of MBD where that is, if you
stick them in the same place and they go off simultaneously like can
happen with different MBD folks' "sequencers" going for different
parts of their systems maybe, you maybe could ask the older one what
(s)he believes.
Might also be artificial ranges and other stuff.
For other forms of repetitive distracting off-lining movements
of the sequencer tired and hungry I know (also sometimes with
bothering artificial ranges and some other stuff),
but not sleep (is she sleeping alone in a room?!), though if I am in
the third stage between, which non-MBDs might mistake with sleep, then
of course often a lot in the start.
My sequencer sometimes does other stuff when I sleep, though,
but that for me belongs so, like sometimes I wake up when it is
rubbing the arms, and when I check myself they are cold, so its good.
Just for personal curiosity, is she using both hands or just right or
left, or one preferred and maybe only under higher signal out-blending
both, and preference for going for the same side or crosswise
or is that spot exactly on top of the head?
And more to the front of more to the back or exactly in the middle?
How does the rate change when playing in the forest
without being pushed for data uptake?
Like someone said, maybe other stuff can be used instead.
How about trying to train to play with bending the outside of an ear
till the sequencer gets the hang of that, as that might still generate
the external-internal overlaying patterns, and though on the long run
it might leeave traces, too, it might be less obvious.
I do not know if in this age it works already, but often if stopping
shortly and checking where the overload is from, it might be possible
to locate the source.
But if the source is that off-lining is needed in an artificial
surrounding or if MBD and getting too many inputs to process,
and the sequencer sees to it even against the own will, I do not
believe that it is wise to disturb that, unless maybe later driving a
car or something like that, or being in another situation where it is
not considered wise to have the sequencer alone in central navigation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>There should be ways to rechannel such.
I guess if it were me the first autist alteration attempts smurfing up
might be to ask the person if they want to try to go for something
else or have bald spot on the head, read about and test different
ways to create the overlay patterns for off-lining and systems
segregation, train some that seem better, and ask if it is O.K. if I
use some startling sound (whistle or a little bell or something like
that) to startle the sequencer each time it goes for the hair and sk
the other if they are interested in supporting then to try to get it
to change to some other overlay system.