Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Mar 20 20:33:57 EST 1999

koetje at boe.nl (Wookie) wrote:

>It seems that in the Hippocampus there are two mechanisms that can
>countereffect each other.

Actually I'd say that taking LSD depending upon the amount at times I
can countereffect quite a bit in my stuff and some of my neighbours in
the brain, but apart from such trivial details:m
I did not get the irxtlwrrkses and was just wondering of the two you
talked about are the two basic ones for axon and magic "field"
communication? Or is that about something else? And if so, when one is
doing what, when does which one go active?
Can they both go active to an extent?

Sometimes you folks are so much into detail data
that I wonder if that is not a bit too much.

Simplified, when would Mr.Average use one and when the other?

When changing from "seeing" to seeing, does it make difference?

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