
davidkaiser at my-dejanews.com davidkaiser at my-dejanews.com
Sun Mar 21 03:46:49 EST 1999

I think this is what Frank asked for:

Neurofeedback's impact on Epilepsy (a selected list of citations)

Sterman, MB (1996). Physiological origins and functional correlates of
EEG rhythmic activities: Implications for self-regulation. Biofeedback &
Self Regulation, 21, 3-33.  (Sterman reviews 82 articles, published
1927-1995, on the neurophysiological  and functional bases of EEG
characteristics and the clinical use of EEG in  self-regulation.)

Finley, William W. Operant conditioning of the EEG in two patients
with epilepsy: Methodologic and clinical considerations. Pavlovian
Journal of Biological Science, 1977 Apr-Jun, v12 (n2):93-111.

Kuhlman, William N. EEG feedback training of epileptic patients:
Clinical and electroencephalographic analysis.
Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, 1978 Dec, v45

Kuhlman, William N. EEG feedback training: Enhancement of
somatosensory cortical activity. Electroencephalography & Clinical
Neurophysiology, 1978 Aug, v45 (n2):290-294.

Lantz DL, Sterman MB (1988). Neuropsychological assessment of
subjects with uncontrolled epilepsy: effects of EEG feedback
training. Epilepsia 1988 Mar;29(2):163-171.

Lantz, Delee; Sterman, M. B. Neuropsychological prediction and
outcome measures in relation to EEG feedback training for the
treatment of epilepsy. IN: The neuropsychology of epilepsy.
Critical issues in neuropsychology.; Thomas L. Bennett, Ed. Plenum
Press, New York, NY, US, 1992. 213-231 of xx, 316 pp.

Lubar, Joel F. Electroencephalographic biofeedback methodology and
the management of epilepsy. Pavlovian Journal of Biological
Science, 1977 Jul-Sep, v12 (n3):147-185.

Lubar JF, Bahler WW. (1976). Behavioral management of epileptic
seizures following EEG biofeedback training of the sensorimotor
rhythm. Biofeedback Self Regul 1976 Mar;1(1):77-104.

Lubar JF, Shabsin HS, Natelson SE, Holder GS, Whitsett SF, Pamplin
WE, Krulikowski DI. EEG operant conditioning in intractable
epileptics. Arch Neurol 1981 Nov;38(11):700-704.

Sterman MB (1989). Future perspectives for applied psychophysiology
and biofeedback. Biofeedback Self Regul 1989 Jun;14(2):83-88.

Sterman, M. B. Sensorimotor EEG feedback training in the study and
treatment of epilepsy. IN: The neurobehavioral treatment of
epilepsy.; David I. Mostofsky, Yngve Loyning, Eds. Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, Inc, Hillsdale, NJ, US, 1993. 1-17 of ix, 350 pp.

Sterman, MB; Goodman, S. J.; Kovalesky, R. A. Effects of
sensorimotor EEG feedback training on seizure susceptibility in the
rhesus monkey. Experimental Neurology, 1978 Dec, v62 (n3):735-747.

Sterman, MB; Friar, L. Suppression of seizures in an epileptic
following sensorimotor EEG feedback training.
Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, 1972 Jul, v33

Sterman, MB; Macdonald, L. R.; Stone, R. K. Biofeedback training of
the sensorimotor electroencephalogram rhythm in man: Effects on
epilepsy. Epilepsia, 1974 Sep, v15 (n3):395-416.

Sterman MB, 1981. EEG biofeedback: physiological behavior
modification. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 5(3), 405-412.

Sterman, M. B. Sensorimotor EEG operant conditioning: Experimental
and clinical effects. Pavlovian Journal of Biological Science, 1977
Apr-Jun, v12 (n2):63-92.

Tansey, Michael A. The response of a case of petit mal epilepsy to
EEG sensorimotor rhythm biofeedback training. International Journal
of Psychophysiology, 1985 Nov, v3 (n2):81-84.

Tozzo, Carmen A.; Elfner, Lloyd F.; May, Jack G. EEG biofeedback
and relaxation training in the control of epileptic seizures.
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 1988 Aug, v6

Walker, J. (1995). Remediation of Nocturnal Seizures by EEG Biofeedback.
Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation.

Whitsett SF, Lubar JF, Holder GS, Pamplin WE, Shabsin HS. A
double-blind investigation of the relationship between seizure
activity and the sleep EEG following EEG biofeedback training.
Biofeedback & Self Regulation, 1982 Jun, v7 (n2):193-209.

In article  flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank LeFever) wrote:
> There should  be an email equivalent of a rubber stamp for this
> perennial question:  "Reported by whom, where?  Please give proper
> citation.  (n.b.: reference to someone's webpage is NOT a proper
> citation)"
> One especially must resort to this question when somewhat controversial
> claims are being made.
> F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
> New York Neuropsychology Group
> In <921707243mnewsroshicorp at xROSHI.com> roshicorp at xROSHI.com (Chuck
> Davis) writes:
> >
> >>
> >> Could you help me please
> >> I would like information on using neurofeedback in the treatment of
> >> epileptic fits
> >> Thanks
> >> Bob
> >>
> > There are couple of new reports indicating a possible reduction
> > in brain blood flow as an antagonizer.
> >
> > The use of my EEG coupled AVS system, w/ neurofeedback, has
> > reports of increased meantime between auras.
> >
> >    .-.
> -.
> >   /   \           .-.                                 .-.           /
>   \
> >  /     \         /   \       .-.     _     .-.       /   \         /
>    \
> >-/--Chuck Davis
> -------\-----/---\---/-\---/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\--
> >    RoshiCorp at ROSHI.com \   /     \_/   `-'     \   /       \     /
> >           \   /         `-'                     `-'         \   /
> >            `-'                                               `-'
> >http://www.post-trauma.com/roshi.html
> >http://www.Starsaga.com/biofeedback.htm
> >
> >
> >

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