Is thinking more like a thunderstorm or like a calculation?

cui_siling at my-dejanews.com cui_siling at my-dejanews.com
Sat Mar 20 18:49:06 EST 1999

In article <36F3EF82.B486AF08 at home.com>,
  Paul Victor Birke <nonlinear at home.com> wrote:

> because our own problems herein occupy most of our thoughts and we don't
> need any more confusion than we already have.
> Thank you.
> Paul

Talking about brain thinking can relate different layers from superficial
manifestations to even the state, movement and interplays of elementary
particles.  Whatever thunderstorm, calculation, digital, analog, image,
emotion, values, quantum, etc., we mean, I would say if we are referring to
or crossing over different function levels in one discussion we may often get

Cui Silling&#137;

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