MRI results?

SOCNORBOG socnorbog at aol.com
Sat Mar 20 15:53:43 EST 1999

Friday I underwent MRI testing for the possibility that I have cluster
The test was stopped due to metal found slightly above my right eye near the
temple. An immediate x-ray confirmed this.
 My question would be: Can the body manufacture "metals" or such? Or, could I
have somehow gotten this metal through the eye, ear or nose and it travel to
this region? Maybe a sliver that has scar tissue around it now?
 I had noticed this bump (about the size of a BB) for at least 3 years. I'm not
sure if it has anything to do with the headaches or not. My symptoms do seem to
point to cluster headaches, coming in approximately 2 month bouts once a year.
Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

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