
Chuck Davis roshicorp at xROSHI.com
Fri Mar 19 17:43:27 EST 1999

 I know what you're saying, Frank, but ROSHI's new on the scene.
 Your group looks like a good place to start :)
> There should  be an email equivalent of a rubber stamp for this
> perennial question:  "Reported by whom, where?  Please give proper
> citation.  (n.b.: reference to someone's webpage is NOT a proper
> citation)"
> One especially must resort to this question when somewhat controversial
> claims are being made.
> F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
> New York Neuropsychology Group
> In <921707243mnewsroshicorp at xROSHI.com> roshicorp at xROSHI.com (Chuck
> Davis) writes: 
> >
> >> 
> >> Could you help me please
> >> I would like information on using neurofeedback in the treatment of
> >> epileptic fits
> >> Thanks
> >> Bob
> >> 
> > There are couple of new reports indicating a possible reduction
> > in brain blood flow as an antagonizer.
> >
> > The use of my EEG coupled AVS system, w/ neurofeedback, has
> > reports of increased meantime between auras.

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-/--Chuck Davis -------\-----/---\---/-\---/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\--
    RoshiCorp at ROSHI.com \   /     \_/   `-'     \   /       \     /
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