How about "Lesch Nyhans"?
In <7csfu9$1md at> flefever at
Frank LeFever) writes:
>>>Once again I must apologize to the newsgroup for my poor spelling/poor
>memory for technical terms. There is a disorder, "Lesch Neihans"
>looking at it I think looks farther from correct spelling than I
>thought it would be!) which involves self-biting, especially when uric
>acid blood levels are high (it is a--perhaps genetic?--metabolic
>>This case sounds less extreme than examples of that condition I have
>read of, but conceivably one could have milder expressions at one end
>of a "spectrum" of this basic disorder.
>>Irt may, of course, be something entirely different. I believe L.N.
>patients bite themselves more for self-stimulation than for expression
>of anger. Early in my career (as an intern), I worked with patients
>with various self-injurious behaviors, in a Behavior Therapy unit.
>>We were not so successful with a patient who was equally ready to hurt
>others as to hurt herself, but very successful with one who just hurt
>herself. She came to us with self-inflicted cigarette burns all over
>her arms, almost no hair on her head, and many scars on her face
>from putting it through a glass door, deliberately), and we
>this behavior long enough for wounds to heal and hair to grow back.
>>In those days, one could control patients' behavior by giving or
>witholding cigarettes... With these (or tokens which could be
>exchanged for them) we first rewarded prompt compliance to a command
>sit--wherever she was, on the floor if no chair was right there. When
>this became reliable, almost automatic, it could be used to interrupt
>self-injurious behavior the moment we saw it. Eventually, she could
>work towards accumulating tokens (yes, they could be exchanged for
>other things besides cigarettes) earned by number of hours without
>self-injurious acts.
>>On the other hand, might the case described be an expression of OCD?
>Are their other aspects of behavior which would fit this diagnosis?
>these days is treatable with SSRIs, although (as a speaker at one of
>own conferences reported a few years ago) there is evidence that
>cognitive/behavioral therapy for OCD can produce changes in regional
>brain metabolism similar to that achieved by SSRI treatment.
>>F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
>New York Neurppsychology Group
>>>>In <7cquot$lpl$1 at> "SGH" <newsun at> writes:
>>>>Recently one subject was entered into a research study with one
>>behavior exhibited. The subject was a 9y/o white male who, when
>>aggravated , bit the back of his right hand over the knuckles.
>>Unfortunately for us, this particular exhibit seems to be unknown to
>>reference data. I am trying to locate a reasonable "explanation"
>>possible preliminary diagnosis in order to clarify this behavior
>>>>This child's history, according to his parents: This child has bit
>>back of his hand while stomping his feet since he was able to put his
>>in his mouth. The mother reports noticing it at the age of 11
> He
>>has one sibling, female 2 years his senior. Father reports child had
>>his hand more frequently when he was younger, however, seems to bite
>>less now. Father had put "nail biting deterrent " on child's hand to
>>him from biting it. Father reported that this did not work. Both
>>report verbal reprimands to this behavior and Father reports biting
>>hand in an effort to "show him how stupid he looks".
>>>>OK, how do I catalog this? Is this similar to nail biting? I can't
>>anything other than some material on children / adults that self
>>maim....This doesn't seem to fit this category.
>>>>If there is anyone who can point me in the right direction....please
>>to : <newsun at>
>>Many thanks in advance, S. Goddard, RN