Unusual Child Problem: Pulling hair out

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Thu Mar 18 23:07:54 EST 1999

Janov?  After all these years?

Oh, for crying out loud!

F. LeFever

In <36f1c523.0 at pink.one.net.au> "\"Sir Knowitall\""
<for.spam.reasons.peel.away.until.only.fellin.remains at one.net.au>
>There are no excuses for not trying to appreciate that an important
>explanation and primary causation of this and MANY other symptoms!
>(That is, "symptoms" *of* what it is that you have no excuse not
>other than already true-n-tested explanations for why you have in the
>place NOT known what the major causes are.)
>Wake and shake-yourself up via a good read and some follow on from
>(I recommend this website although Janov's style of writing and
>has been somewhat "less" than required for someone like me to be
>intellectually satisfied with it. )
>Later, if you would be willing to try something complementary
>that has given *me* hours of fun as well as a 'everlasting' sense of
>intellectual/explanatory satisfaction),
>you are invited to give www.ozemail.com.au/~fellin/portal.htm a go.

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