Unusual Child Problem: Pulling hair out

Robert J. Brooks rjbrooks at mail.sover.net
Thu Mar 18 08:22:03 EST 1999

Sorry.  I didn't intend to minimize the intractability of many cases of
this and other compulsive behaviors, only to convey my sense that this
particular behavior is treatable and resolves (disappears?) more often than
not.  My limited experience with people suffering from this condition is 3
patients.  The symptoms cleared in less than twelve sessions in each case,
although other less disfiguring compulsions did co-occur or arise later.  I
have no ax to grind with my psychologist colleagues.  I'm sure a  clinical
psychologist would be as likely to have the requisite training and skills
to treat this condition as an equally trained and skilled psychiatrist.  My
bias is in favor of single treatment, particularly with children, in which
the competent therapist is also able to prescribe any necessary
medications, in this case a child psychiatrist.

F. Frank LeFever wrote:

> ...I wonder about your assertion
> that it USUALLY responds to "a few sessions" with a child psychiatrist.
> (how about a child psychologist??)

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