Recently one subject was entered into a research study with one unusual
behavior exhibited. The subject was a 9y/o white male who, when seemingly
aggravated , bit the back of his right hand over the knuckles.
Unfortunately for us, this particular exhibit seems to be unknown to our
reference data. I am trying to locate a reasonable "explanation" with
possible preliminary diagnosis in order to clarify this behavior pattern.
This child's history, according to his parents: This child has bit the
back of his hand while stomping his feet since he was able to put his fist
in his mouth. The mother reports noticing it at the age of 11 months. He
has one sibling, female 2 years his senior. Father reports child had bit
his hand more frequently when he was younger, however, seems to bite it
less now. Father had put "nail biting deterrent " on child's hand to keep
him from biting it. Father reported that this did not work. Both parents
report verbal reprimands to this behavior and Father reports biting his
hand in an effort to "show him how stupid he looks".
OK, how do I catalog this? Is this similar to nail biting? I can't find
anything other than some material on children / adults that self
maim....This doesn't seem to fit this category.
If there is anyone who can point me in the right direction....please reply
to : <newsun at>
Many thanks in advance, S. Goddard, RN