Thanks for supplying correct spelling. I wonder about your assertion
that it USUALLY responds to "a few sessions" with a child psychiatrist.
(how about a child psychologist??)
Evidently there were a sufficient number who did not respond so
readily to psychotherapy to warrant further work by Rapport et al. (see
my prior post) and development of SSRI treatment (for children AND for
dogs unresponsive to dog psychotherapy).
F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group
In <36EF8FD5.1B434AF1 at> "Robert J. Brooks"
<rjbrooks at> writes:
>>The term is trichotillomania and the previous responses are on target.
>Usually responds to a few sessions with child psychiatrist, often
>related, may recur and children can be treated with SSRIs (selective
>serotonic reuptake inhibitors) for this kind of problem. Good luck to
>>>> Any help welcome,
>>>> Alex Calmeyn
>> Bruges, Belgium
>>bauhaus at>>>