They wouldn't want to think that God's intellect would include mankind.
The Spirit is the mind, and soul emotion. Logical decision maker spirit,
emotional decision maker soul.
The Visible woman project is a fair good go at a cellular level
dissection, but three dimensional image maps are required if rebuilding is
going to take place. Every part of a neuron would also need be remodeled
functionally. It's one love of mine to think of a woman as everlasting.
It all seems a task that is growing more and more simple, and just needs
organizing to be achieved. The dissection process would need to change, and
include a microscope over a slice viewer. Every pointer of every neurons
dendrites mapped and remodeled. I know that what you are saying is real,
the computer models of neural networks as simple as they are do work on this
same principal though. Dendrites are priority encoders, and the neuron
serves as a temporary latch when a certain energy level is reached it fires,
or is held in an on state for a period of time in respect to a computer
model that is a character, and a variable. Human brain cells fire at
several levels based on the energy level received by a neighboring cells
which induce dendrite growth, or priority coding. Analysis of the brain's
most basic chemistry, and the orientations of the voltages displace in
quantity are becoming a significant factor in my mind as for where research
should turn to learn. I suggest using a cryo-centrifuge. Freezing
chemicals halt stop or prevent chemical reactions. Grinding the neurons at
near absolute will preserve the basic chemicals present before synapse, or
firing. I was once working on a biological solar battery, and I suggest
using a permeable membrane as a electrochemical separator. If you fill a
tank with two solutions there is always the problem of keeping one on one
side of the tank, and the other on the other. So, first a glass, or plastic
dam is used during filling process, the permeable membrane is the last dam.
Then quantity to voltage results can be measured, and divided down to a
greater accuracy to better understand the synaptic membranes. Instead of
scaling down the model of the cell, scaling it up using the same chemicals.
I'm sure that filter paper isn't a true synaptic gap, nor was it intended to
act as one, but it was intended that by knowing the ratio's of independently
tested chemicals the Norton's, or Thevens law could then be used to add up
the voltages when a neuron fires to know by the neurons output as a result
of chemicals involved. So, in otherwords you are looking at each different
cellular chemical and its response to each chemical in pairs to determine
which chemicals were involved when a neuron fired. If you place two
batteries in series when each measures 1.5 volts, the sum of the voltages
are equal to 3 volts. Then determining which chemicals are involved in
duration, and separating those which are more peak output controllers will
be possible.
What you need for the cryo-centrifuge is anti-freeze so that chemical
processes are either slowed down, or stopped preferably. Then a fluid will
allow separation by gravity as a slow thaw controlled in degree/Minutes.
Try to write a program that models the type of neuron I have just
written about as your mission.
The Flavored Coffee Guy.