What's with the SPAM alert. Announcing a free newsletter dealing with an aspect of alternative healthcare doesn't seen to be off
subject for this group. I have been reading this newsgroup for a long time and appreciate all of the input received by all sides on
an issue. I hope that the attempt to stiffle opinions and/or prevent the dissemination of information on alternative healthcare is
not endemic to the thinking of this group. Now if the charter of the group prevent announcments of free newsletters on alternative
medicine then I guess you can request that the poster not repeat the post, but call it a SPAM post. Come on.
Arcie Mizelle
kimmer wrote:
>> Goober-Spam Alert!!
>> <Plonk!!!>
>> David Kaiser wrote:
>> > What's New in Neurofeedback
> >
> > A free monthly newsletter which delivers news, research, and treatment
> > information from the worlds of mental health, neuropsychology, and
> > neuroscience. Each monthly email consists of a focus article, reviews of a
> > recent publications (books and journal articles), announcements,
> > conference information, and offices of new clinicians.
> >
> > To subscribe, send a message to wnin-subscribe at egroups.com> > or go to http://www.egroups.com/list/wnin