What's New in Neurofeedback (free monthly newsletter)

Joe Parsons joe at cyber-mall.com
Sun Mar 14 11:35:52 EST 1999

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 09:58:49 -0500, Arcie <sumerian at iname.com> wrote:

>What's with the SPAM alert.  Announcing a free newsletter dealing with 
>an aspect of alternative healthcare doesn't seen to be off subject for 
>this group.  I have been reading this newsgroup for a long time and 
>appreciate all of the input received by all sides on an issue.  I hope 
>that the attempt to stiffle opinions and/or prevent the dissemination 
>of information on alternative healthcare is not endemic to the thinking 
>of this group.  Now if the charter of the group prevent announcments of 
>free newsletters on alternative medicine then I guess you can request 
>that the poster not repeat the post, but call it a SPAM post. Come on.
>Arcie Mizelle

It was crossposted to 8 newsgroups this time around.

That makes it spam, not its topicality or lack thereof.

Joe Parsons

I do not wish to receive *any* Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE). I 
consider sending me such unwanted mail to be willful harassment.  You 
*don't* want to do that.

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