As I said in a reply to a similar query a year or so ago:
There had been a lab devoted to exploration of positive ion/negative
ion ideas at Rockefeller University. I visited it and discussed the
subject with its principal investigator close to 20 years ago, also
took home a large packet of relevant materials. (He is no longer
there, left within a year or so I believe, and so far as I know this is
no longer an area of interest there). I have also read a rather
damning critique by a German biometeorologist expert on electrical
atmospheric phenomena.
My conclusion from all this (and a few more things) is that what seemed
initially like an interesting idea never reallyh panned out. I am
skeptical about claims for benefits of negative ion generators.
F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group
In <7cbi8d$i4r$1 at> "Roger Soh Eng Khiong"
<rogersoh at> writes:
>>I like to have more information on the negative ion generator mat that
>say to be benefit to the health.
>>Please comment on your opinion on this equipment whether it works.
>Reach me by ICQ. My ICQ# is 12954695
>Roger Soh Eng Khiong
>e-mail: rogersoh at>Visit my homepage Adventure Sea Activities at
>>>>begin 666 Roger Soh.vcf
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