Omni² meowexterminater at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 13 21:52:27 EST 1999

There a major PAI
I'm a long term smoker
and have tried everything and anything

and the 2 worst smokes IMHO are
those indian things budhies <sp>
and gudam guram or any clove based cig

they not only bring the heat on (they attract stares , complaints in public)
but are a chore to smoke and don't even satisfy your nic habit

just my 2c

Have a nice day

John Smith wrote in message <7ceqgr$kho$1 at goblin.uunet.ca>...
>They taste good.  The ones I smoke are from Indonesia and also contain
>(strong) tobacco - about 5 times the tar and nicotine as a regular smoke.
>Marcello Spinella wrote in message <36EA0ABC.7B9D at earthlink.net>...
>>It has come to my attention that people smoke clove cigarettes
>>recreationally. Can anyone explain what the subjective effects are? Does
>>it cause stimulation, calming, anxiety?  What other emtional effects?
>>Are there any cognitve effects? (memory, concentration, etc)
>>Thank you.
>>Marcello Spinella, Ph.D.

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