What's New in Neurofeedback (free monthly newsletter)

Stewart/sna metaphorSPAMBLOCK at usaor.net
Sat Mar 13 19:21:31 EST 1999

"Haakon Rian Ueland" <tunesmith.NO at SPAM.email.com> wrote:
>This seems to be appropriate for every group it is posted to. So - what is
>your problem? Would it be OK if he had posted a separate message to each
>group? Have u ever heard that the computer is supposed to make things
easier >for us - not harder?  <<PLONK>> NetCop kimmer

Who is "us"??  :-)

Here is my usual canned response to this sort of post.  

I am always interested in what other people in other newsgroups think of
it, so when I post it I usually follow all of the original crossposts (if
there were any, which there were in this case).


The following "canned response" is simply my personal opinion and
expression.  It is not posted as any sort of representation of what others
here think.  Some here agree with me on one or more points, while many
others disagree with me.......
   You have posted a message to the usenet newsgroup
alt.support.depression (ASD).  If you are new to this newsgroup, then
"Welcome to the group that nobody (in their right mind) wants to join". 
In the spirit of "real life" support groups, this is often a small and
intimate place on the Internet where people can gather together to share
their personal experiences.  It is a place that many of us wish we did not
feel compelled to frequent, but for which we are often quiet grateful. 
Everyone is welcome to read what others have written (to lurk as it is
called).  Please post responses to others if you think you have something
to say that might help them or yourself.  And, of course, we would love to
hear a question, comment, rant, or story of your own.
   This newsgroup is a completely open forum that is not "moderated" or
"staffed" by anyone.  This means that you, me, and the person we BOTH
hate, can post whatever they want here.  Although "professionals" of all
sorts frequent this group, the opinions expressed here are made by people,
not by God, so you might want to consider a second opinion.  Because this
group is made up of real people, with all sorts of different opinions, it
is often somewhat "volatile".  But you will also find a lot of caring
people here that are seriously trying to get a grip on their depression. 
There are also a lot of people here that want to share their experiences
with others.  Personally, it took me several years to realize that the
deaths of my father and brother had sent me into a tailspin of
depression.  I am happy to say that antidepressant medication and
psychotherapy are helping.  I hope you find something here among the
throng that helps you.
   If you feel compelled to make a request of the group that goes beyond
something that would be of benefit to you emotionally, then please
reconsider your post.  If you want to request that readers of ASD help you
with a project that is only vaguely or indirectly related to your own
personal journey, please reconsider your request.  Most of us are working
hard to keep our heads above water, or we are trying to help others swim
to shore.  We could sure use your help right here.  If you think the
people who read this group would benefit from what you know, then please
consider providing that information here.  If you feel that you must
advertise the experience or information that you posses because it cannot
be provided here, then please consider whether or not this is really an
appropriate place to advertise.  While this is certainly an appropriate
place for ANY information related to depression, please remember that
there are LOTS of people out there with equally worthy projects.  If they
all post here, then this will soon be a place full of pointers to a lot of
worthwhile information, but it will cease to be a place of much support. 
Often a good way to advertise is to respond to a personal post, and place
your advertisement in your signature file.
   I have sent this reply to you personally.  I have also posted it to the
group so that anyone can read it if they want to.  Please keep an eye out
for the depression/ASD FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), the User Guide to
ASD, and the ASD Flame Retardant, which are all posted from time to time
on this newsgroup.  You can also find these and other important tidbits of
information about this newsgroup at the world wide web site
Good luck

PS.  Remember that I am just another idiot with my own stupid personal
opinions.  Other idiots here have their own stupid personal opinions.

The Metaphor Man  *and*  The Great Defender of the Self

metaphorSPAMBLOCK at usaor.net     or    anon-7619 at anon.twwells.com
(remove the SPAMBLOCK)

Please send me an e-mail copy of your posted response.

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