Know how she feels, try changing her thyroixine to natural if she's on
synthetic. A course of St Johns Wort may help her tiredness. A positive move by
you is going to make her feel like you are doing something at least. Anyway if
you follow the thyroid newsgroups it's nothing really new, none of this. Are
you absolutly positive that the ' normal' level is normal enough for her anyway
or normal for your satisfaction?
Did you know that to determine the thyroid levels in the first place they used
patients? Funny isn't it?
Did you also know that synthetic thyroxine was never put through trials?
Add this to research carried out into life after a thyroidectomy and all the
medications they give before it, and you end up with some ' wonderful'
scientific medicine. Tell her that I said it's been great fun being part of
the experiment.
Apart from all of this I'm sure that she'd find company amongst others like her
who are suffering all the same things post thyroidectomy.
She's lucky you are looking, my Dr's just started by insulting me like I was
some kind of idiot. Of course It could be worse she may have had babies while
being treated before her thyroidectomy. Just imagine how distressed she'd be
then. It doesn't bare thinking about does it?
>>>>>>>>>Can anyone offer any illumination on the following case:<<<<<
Perhaps the illumination she needs, is to know that she's not suffering this
alone and you're trying your best.
Carol T
>>>>>Female patient (40) initially presented with weakness, stiffness and
painful spasms of hip-girdle and legs, and fatigue. There has been
limited response to Baclofen (20mg q.i.d) and NSAIDS. Pain level now
increasing. Arms and hands becoming stiff and weak.
Tests and results as follows:
Blood ck (normal limits), thyroid blood studies (normal limits with
thyroxine medication), ESR ( high, 22 - normal range 03-10), VEP
(normal), MRI - brain, cervical and dorsal spine (normal), nerve
conduction study of ulnar nerve ( mild bilateral neuritis), needle EMG
of right deltoid (showed small motor units) and right biceps (normal),
muscle biopsy of right deltoid (inconclusive - some pynotic muscle and
endomysial macrophages). Negative blood autoantibodies.
No demylination, no evidence of neuromuscular junction transmission
Patient has the following disorders: hypothyroidism (post-thyroidectomy
for hyperthyroidism, 225 mcg), b12 deficiency (hydroxocobalamin inj 1000
mcg), hypertension (Atenolol 100 mg).
Any ideas anyone?<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<