activity-dependent plasticity in the adult

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Mar 11 18:07:32 EST 1999

flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank LeFever) wrote:

>... Ed's extensive deafferentiation studies
>(cutting dorsal roots of long stretches of the cord) ...
>... (he and I did histology alongside each other, 
>I on rat brains, 
>he on monkey cords...

>I believe monkey(s?) reported on re long-term cortical reorganization
>were from his Silver Springs group (perhaps retrieved after kidnapping
>by Animal Rights terrorists?), thus salvaging something of value from 
>that painful episode--which ended that phase of his career.

Though I do not exclude it it would amaze me if they had intended to
keep persons of other races as prisoners
or would terrorize what is right for us mammals 
very much.
No wonder someone working in the brains of murdered persons of other
races for persons of the own race is suggesting drugging and
brain-damaging with artificial ranges concerning not even cause
specified generalized "depression".

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