activity-dependent plasticity in the adult

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Mar 11 18:08:09 EST 1999

jander at unf.edu (John E Anderson) wrote:

>Hi all

>(...) activity-dependent plasticity does occur in adult brains.  However, what
>I am really after is whether the general feeling (as well as any
>relevant publications, of course, if they exist) is that plasticity
>ALWAYS increases in the vicinity of active neurons, or just under
>certain circumstances. Opinions?  If only under certain circumstances,
>what are they?

For me that is sort of a LSD question.

And even with a good friend and not into neuro  such is not far away
from a serious LSD training possibly taking very many sessions 
meaning with gaps of 2-4 weeks many months to some years,
even to just get near where I can magically wave-babble some stuff I
find interesting about that. 

If you were to compare areas of the brain subatomically in deep sleep,
in coma, 
and on LSD at cingulte reprogramming in the own brain 
or in another brain akasha perception reprogramming on level 3, 5, 9,
10 (? : ...)
you might find more answers to your questions.  ;-)

And end with more questions than you had before.  :-)

(In case you read and understood part of the posts for students into
the mind I wrote: When on "amount 1 2/3" doing the aiming of tones
into "the playground", give the command for colour dots till you get
enough structure data, run occipital link-through (level 3) with
another brain preferably on very transcending beamlike ranges, ask the
other if inexperienced to "hold", focus for perceiving his energies in
the cingulate and maybe other areas and then smurf out along them into
the other brain (level 9), and the parallel-tune sectors.)

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