
soobra at my-dejanews.com soobra at my-dejanews.com
Thu Mar 11 15:21:13 EST 1999

Javani is 11 months old .She has a variant of the Dandy Walker syndrome.A
ventriculoperitoneal shunt was inserted at age 8/12.Over 300mls of fluid
drained initially resulting in considerable abdominal distension.This fluid
never completely resorbed.She had a trial of antidiuretics and recently 200mls
was tapped.She still has significant abdominal distension.Renal ,hepatic and
cardiac function is normal.There is no cyst formation at the peritoneal end of
the shunt.
Are there any other modalities to alleviate this problem as
1)it has resulted in an inguinal hernia
2)it tends to compromise respiration
3)it is hampering physiotherapy.

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