Bilingual Brains

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Mar 10 18:31:06 EST 1999

>   When someone learns a second language, is it represented in the     
>   brain in the same place as the first language or in a different     
>   place?  
> ... these fMRi studies show the importance not only of age of  
>   second language acquisition,m but also of which language area one   
>   considers: anterior (Broca's) or posterior (Wernicke's).
Maybe on some drugs try to speak the own and another language
without Broca's or with limitations  the own and another language and
compare, or try a good enough concussion  that some nerds of another
language make fun of your writing in theirs  after you spent months
(where you might not get around noticing quite a bit about such ) to
be able to write in both again to the extent that most of what you
write makes sense to others again. Then you might find out more, 
F... Ph.D.
Then you also might no longer joke about other's capacities in your or
other languages. 
And also might notice about error fluctuations due to some other

BTW, who is into such, ever tried jumping every few minutes back and
forth between two languages like English and German or other related
languages and if making more errors watched what warps up how? Maybe
check it out.

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