Migraine - Europe

COUGER GORDON gcouger at tacoma.ceatlabs.okstate.edu
Wed Mar 10 01:30:53 EST 1999

In article <36e2dd24.9829982 at news.zedat.fu-berlin.de>,
Cijadrachon <cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
>No. But I felt like mentioning tht a friend of mine said that stopping
>eating pig meat helped reducing his migraine.

Was the pork cured? Nitrates are added to cured meat products to
inhibit the growth of botulism. Nitrates are also involved with
blood vessel dilation. I don't really think that small about of 
nitrate could cause a problem but it might.

If the product is smoked it could be a allergy reaction. 


Gordon Couger
624 Cheyenne
Stillwater, OK 74075
405 624 2855 

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