machine brains

lesterzick at earthlink.net lesterzick at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 10 18:39:11 EST 1999

This is exactly there should be idea of the architecture implemented via the
human or animal brain. AI research has been around since the mid sixties at
least in terms of mechanical implementation, and all that has happened is
that a number of computer programmers and theorists have claimed to have
produced artificial intelligence without having the least idea what
intelligence is.

Regards - Lester

In article <36e6b282.0 at ns2.wsg.net>,
  "Ray Scanlon" <rscanlon at wsg.net> wrote:
> I started this thread without much purpose beyond showing off how smart I
> am. It could have been subtitled, "the brain as a machine and a machine as a
> brain". My thesis was simple: People who speak of the soul (mind) are not
> helpful when the subject is the brain.
> One response was that the soul (mind) is the only thing that is interesting.
> Different people find different things of interest. I find the brain enough
> for the present.
> Another was that in explaining the brain we have done nothing until we have
> explained the soul (mind). I answer that this may be true but it is
> premature. I project that the first half of the next century will be spent
> in explaining the brain. It is not until that is done that people will
> complain that this is not enough and turn to religion to explain the soul
> (mind). This will be the main theme of the second half of the century.
> Most of the posts illuminate my argument that most would rather speak of the
> soul (mind). People who know nothing of the brain are more than happy to
> speak of their soul (mind), of which they know a great deal.
> Cognitive scientists speak of the "binding problem" and of "corticothalamic
> oscillations". They are of the opinion that they will explain the brain
> through the soul (mind). In my opinion they are engaged in academic fraud.
> Not that there is anything wrong with academic fraud.
> Artificial intelligence has run off in full cry after "emotions". This will
> lead to nothing even as all else has lead to nothing (except excuses).
>  Ray
> Those interested in how the brain works might look at
> www.wsg.net/~rscanlon/brain.html

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