hunting spammers [Was: Step 001 of DIY AI: ...]

Richard E. Hawkins Esq. hawk at eyry.econ.iastate.edu
Tue Mar 9 11:01:58 EST 1999

In article <FnCC2.203$66.8802 at ptah.visi.com>,
Peter Seebach <seebs at plethora.net> wrote:

>>There ought to be a law for legalising killing of spammers,

>Enthusiastic second!

Now wait a minute, we can't simply kill them; that isn't sporting.
Much more challenging to come up with proper procedures.  Particulalry,
we need to prohibit "chumming" by using decoy addresses to mailing
lists & usenet.
These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.

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