machine brains

David B. Held dheld at uswest.net
Sun Mar 7 05:29:31 EST 1999

Bloxy's wrote:
> Which shatters to pieces the ideologies of fatalistic materialism.
> If electron is "made out of" energy,
> then ...

	No, it does not affect materialism at all.  No materialist
would claim that energy is more magical than matter.

> Then the matter is not the highest there is.
> Energy is much more exciting.
> It is fluid, by definition.
> The rigidity of the structure of material level
> is no longer valid.
> The boundaries between entities are not as
> clearly defined,
> and,
> they may overlap.
> Why not?
> On that level there is simply no prohibitions.

	In a way, you have described what the universe would look
like at extremely high energies (i.e. above the unification energy).
However, it is still all material.  Matter, energy...it's all
material.  The only way to defeat materialism is to find a phenomenon
that is not material.  The mind isn't it.  Energy isn't it.  What
is?  That's your quest.


David Held, Chief Programmer   "As far as the laws of mathematics refer
Business Computing Solutions    to reality, they  are not  certain; and
email: dheld at uswest.net         as far as they are certain, they do not
web: www.uswest.net/~dheld      refer to  reality."  -  Albert Einstein

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