machine brains

Bloxy's Bloxy's at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 7 02:52:58 EST 1999

In article <36E15FD6.6484 at uswest.net>, "David B. Held" <dheld at uswest.net> wrote:
>Walter Eric Johnson wrote:
>> Malcolm McMahon (malcolm at pigsty.demon.co.uk) wrote:
>> : No, only composite things are made of something. Elementary
>> : particles are not. What's an electron made of?
>> Three quarks.
>        No, actually, baryons (such as the hyperions and nucleons...i.e.
>protons and neutrons) are composed of three quarks.  Electrons are
>leptons, and are currently thought to be elementary.  To answer the
>question above, one might say say that an electron is "made of" energy.

Which shatters to pieces the ideologies of fatalistic materialism.
If electron is "made out of" energy,
then ...

Then the matter is not the highest there is.
Energy is much more exciting.
It is fluid, by definition.
The rigidity of the structure of material level
is no longer valid.
The boundaries between entities are not as
clearly defined,

they may overlap.

Why not?
On that level there is simply no prohibitions.

>Or, one could ask: "What is the number '1' made of?"  They seem to be
>essentially the same question.


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