"nbyy" <nbyy at hotmail.com> wrote:
>hi .. ;-)
If you had asked that in my LSD brainsurfer times and been into LSD I
could have taught you stuff about that if you had been someone where I
would have liked you enough to go on LSD with you.
Maybe there are others who know you can find who could teach you about
that. Needs to be people who can segregate and access the two main
emotion generators, the one to do with rankfighting and aggression and
the one to do with mammal programs ( because alterations there via
some other place can alter stuff in the aggression are, too).
But I am not sure they can explain you much in words, because there
are no words for the thousands of emotional bioprograms.
If you are a good self-observer and it is worth the health damages to
you, you could shoot testosterone and at some other time take a lot
of DHEA and watch the differences those make.
Also maybe watch yourself at full moon and differences in general to
do with the moon.
If you are fast in typing and into fantasy load a writing program
where you can delete stuff and "pull the drawers" sex and violence and
just go writing for many hours for some days, and then read the stuff,
and sort of look at the patterns.
These are more "external" ways, but maybe they help you to understand.
There seem to be differences in emotional programs in humans, and
there are also many hormones on different settings, therefore I am not
sure if what you are asking could be answered for any pygmy,
Australian, MBD autist, Bavarian cow villager, and so on.
Also in education there are often alterations of original programs
made that, especially if they are running for a long time, can see to
many differences.
A Palestinian, Jewish, (Red) Indian, Berlin Punk scene, Pygmy,
US-American or other parent might have quite different education
Maybe adding a lot of differences.