Nonhuman empathy

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Mar 4 14:33:56 EST 1999

> There's something very important in the size of neocortex 
> that allows bonobos and humans to perform well in cognitive activities, 
> empathizing included.

With the first I think too much in different areas,
with the latter, as said, here empathy often is referring to magic
perception of emotions, and I believe that such a simplification is
not something I would select there.
If I switch to "seeing" it starts with that the function settings
chance in the neo-cortex seems to date back to a historic tiume where
it was smaller and that the amount of cells there now is not
necessarily something healthy for that, because in the times where
they got so many there was a lot of different uses.
Although of course an occiptal link-through as such is giving me lot
of access powers concerning stuff in the other head, I often tend to
tune explicitly not for ranges of empathy.
Also before occipital linkthrough, in between I might occasionally
tune for occipital, some parietal and a few temporal energies, and
still sort of explicitly keep out empathy ranges.
If when akasha surfing being on lots of blackish low energy ranges, 
and if setting the front for transcending perception the way that the
language structurer also is off speaking, with that I seem to shift
very old function. There are very many emotions that are not seeming
to run then, in a way where I would not exclude that because the
frontal cortex setting for that form of perception seems an even older
one than the "sensor helmet" (occ.& par.&cing.) that I wrote about
several times in other posts, that there are also range settings that
are seeing to older (and possibly on the long run dangerous? Compare
Asian data...) settings concerning emotion generators.

As sort of a brain vampire I usually don't wan't to breach the privacy
of people borrowing me part of their systems a little too much and
usully keep empathy ranges out, also because I like certain ranges
that are pretty "non-empathic", but I noticed that there are white
ranges that in the after-concussion time were too damaging for my
taste, so I never learned many of them well, but there sixth emotion
generator data I got a lot from someone, and I had the impression
quite some other emotions, too. 
If I understood the other one right, on those magic ranges that to me
seemed very "high & short-wavy"  also a lot of emotional data can be

This is a bit chaotic, but I try to say that in the meaning that
empathy here has in magic if you go to the older settings for the
neocortex and own cholinergic limbic systems that, also depending on
the selected ranges, vast changes towards older settings for emotion
generators seem to occur, and that if I target ofr areas in another
neocortex to smurf me better tuning nd more parallel tracks from the
other brain to compensate for according MBD problems on my side, 
that I do not perceive why that should have that much to do with

If I want empathy, I need to "tune" for emotion generators in my
brain, and then fizzle a while around to do with the conversion
between brains, and though I am pretty bad in magic empathy, I guess
if I were to work on it for a while, especially with LSD as a sense
enhancer and boosting up the first emotion generator, I guess
eventually I could tune in ranges of empathy.

Concerning neocortex stuff: If making occiptal link-through before, 
I guess that would be pretty easy then, but it is not the occipital
ranges as such that for me are empathy ranges.
For me those are just main transformer banks in the other brain and
when they vibe parallel enough in our brains akasha between can go
esier to parallel / synch, 
so that is more like two gigantic transformer banks going for synch,
more like a gateway into telepathy and more direct magic range data
transfer, but not the gateway into empathy.

Sorry, might have been a bit chaotic, and I guess that was not the way
you meant it, but here empathy is often used meaning telepathic
emotion transfer, and to me you seem to overlook aspects of that that
are relevant even if you mean it in other ways.


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