
Jean-Marc Mienville jmm at psych.uic.edu
Fri Mar 5 06:09:32 EST 1999

1) I would like to sell or exchange a CV-4 0.1/100 Axopatch-1D head
stage, and/or buy a CV-4 1/100 head stage.
2) I want to sell a Racall Store 4-DS FM recorder (good shape; very good
3) I am looking for (want to buy) an old Nikon NON-HIGH-TRANSMISSION DIC

Jean-Marc Mienville
The Psychiatric Institute
The University of Illinois at Chicago
1601 West Taylor St., M/C 912
Chicago, IL 60612
Tel: (312) 413-4561/60
Fax: (312) 413-4569/44
E-mail: jmm at psych.uic.edu

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