Does anbody know the [journal of hirnforsch] !!

Mark James mrj at cs.usyd.edu.au
Thu Mar 4 20:11:17 EST 1999

"Mickey ¿½ÌÉ©_" wrote:
> There is an important paper from this journal that i really need.
> If anyone ever heard about this journal , please E-mail me.
> and Please tell me where could I found it would be better.

Journal für Hirnforschung is a German journal of brain research,
now published only in English.

If you have trouble obtaining it locally, I should be able to
send you a photocopy of the article you are interested in.


Mark James                                  |EMAIL : mrj at cs.usyd.edu.au|
Basser Department of Computer Science, F09  |PHONE : +61-2-9983-0294   |
The University of Sydney NSW 2006 AUSTRALIA |FAX   : +61-2-9449-4801   |
================- WEB: http://www.cs.usyd.edu.au/~mrj -=================

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