Question about emotions versus reactions

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Mar 3 12:56:50 EST 1999

flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank LeFever) wrote:

>Analogous, perhaps to hippocampal function, on which "associative"
>memory seems to depend, although memory is not "in" the hippoocampus?

Several cybercoughs.    ...But then again, for YOUR brain, maybe I
should not exclude that you are right ...

>A couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of talking with Joaquim
>Fuster, and among other things was able to tell him I had read his
>study (in Science?) WHEN IT WAS RECENT AND "HOT", in which brainstem
>stimulation enhanced a monkey's reaction time performance--a
>performance which required more than the brainstem reticular formation.

Did he abuse the other himself?

But that for you it was a pleasure, I am sure.

... And some day start to use the plural, consciousnessES,  unless you
wish to sound like some human brain fryer not understanding some of
the most basic thingies about the consciousnesses of the brain and
correlations between them and with some other important areas, or like
someone into abusing persons of other races 
not wanting to know stuff that is old, so that he can go on abusing

And I guess that there is no point in mentioning much about the
grossness of not just wishing to make AIs without the consent of all
humans and maybe some others of Earth and intending them to be free,
even beings, but on top of everything wishing to mess around with
emotions within others while not even understanding how to alter a few
thousand in the own brain and at least a bit about what that does, 
in other words not even understanding the own.

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