Well, Ramachandran's stuff is very interesting, and relevant as well.
re Taub "follow-up": maybe published after Merzenich's study, but in a
sense initiated LONG before. Ed's extensive deafferentiation studies
(cutting dorsal roots of long stretches of the cord) done for other
reasons, beginning in early or mid '60s (he and I did histology
alongside each other, I on rat brains, he on monkey cords, mid '60s,
I believe monkey(s?) reported on re long-term cortical reorganization
were from his Silver Springs group (perhaps retrieved after kidnapping
by Animal Rights terrorists?), thus salvaging something of value from
that painful episode--which ended that phase of his career.
He is currently doing important work in human rehabilitation
techniques, using insights derived directly from his observations with
the monkeys (the "forced use" paradigm, discussed in this newsgroup a
few months ago)--I heard him present on this topic at Society for
Neuroscience in November.
F. LeFever
In <36DC3EA8.C59DE931 at princeton.edu> Fallah <fallah at princeton.edu>
>> Argh, color me stupid, all that I said about Ramachandran, I meant
>Merzenich [correct spelling].
>> The Taub stuff was a long-term study following up on Merzenich's
>original digit amputation studies in the short term [6 months].
>> Thanks for kicking my brain in gear.
>>"F. Frank LeFever" wrote:
>>> Also, check out Mezzernich (sp??), concurrent or coordinated
>> stimulation of different digits, etc. I know, lit search goes
>> with mis-spelled names. Someone more sure of the spelling help me
>> If no other recourse, search under Paula Tallal, who (I believe)
>> sometimes co-authored with him, and get correct spelling and
>> that way.
>>>> Also--just thought of it-- extensive brain reorganization in one of
>> Taub's deafferented monkeys. A LONG delayed report (in Science?
>> years ago?) with multiple authors, but I think Ed was one; he's into
>> other things now, but lit search on his name starting 10 years ago
>> should locate it.
>>>> F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
>> New York Neuropsychology Group
>>>> In <36DAB1A8.4C1978A6 at princeton.edu> Fallah <fallah at princeton.edu>
>> writes:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > One set of answers can be picked up from Ramachandran's work,
>> including
>> >his more recent work:
>> >
>> > Even in adulthood, you can remap your somatopic map just by
>> You
>> >can also retune your auditory cortex to different wavelengths.
>> can
>> >also be reversed. Showing that activity-dependent plasticity does
>> continue
>> >to occur throughout adulthood, at least in some areas. So if you
>> an
>> >example of it, narrow your search to Ramachandran. I'm sure there
>> loads
>> >of others out there too.
>> >
>> > M. Fallah
>> > PU
>> >
> What does Christopher Robin do in the mornings?
> He learns. He becomes Educated. He instigorates -
> I *think* that's the word he mentioned, but I may
> be referring to something else - he instigorates
> Knowledge. In my small way I also, if I have the
> word right, am - am doing what he does.
>> --House at Pooh Corner