> I don't believe that this is the appropriate forum to convey your views
> the FDA and its policies
I don't believe that this is the appropriate forum for you to tell other
people what to talk about.
mickey_m at my-dejanews.com wrote in message
<7b43gf$8g0$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com>...
>I don't believe that this is the appropriate forum to convey your views
>the FDA and its policies, especially since your reference was regarding a
>NOT approved anywhere for use in depression.
>>In article <36d56d1c.630351 at news.twics.com>,
>Cro at Magnon.com (Cro-Magnon) wrote:
>>>>>> >What relevance does your sweeping generalisation have to discourse in
>> >Find a more appropriate venue for your political/economic opinions!
>> >
>> Obviously you do not know what you are talking about.
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