who at cares.com (justus) wrote:
>So lets put in another possibel semantic confound:
>how about the different apparen abilities between organisms within and
>between species to abtsract?
Did not get semantic confound translated, but for the within me I need
the front linked with enough capacities for a lot of that.
Doubt any human knows all organisms.
Wildly guessing for Earth I'd say some plants very very little, stones
I never noticed too, though then again I am even worse in perceiving
them than plants, some parrots and cats quite a bit, dolphins I don't
know, most humans a lot
And if thou wert to find the spell
turning thee and no other of thy kind
to eternally exist
wouldst thou use it?
It is human to idly contemplate abstract if - deeds
while others need concrete now - deeds.