used lab equipment auctions
March 5 1999
Going, Going...Sold! announces today the release of our new marketplace
used lab equipment. Because of the fantastic success of our process we
now offer two new purchasing features.If you are alsogoing to Pit con
Please visit us there at booth 3015. Also please provide feedback into
new format and site. Thanks
Mark Atlas
Equipment Locator: YOU NAME THE PRICE!!. Place your equipment requests
into this system. A Going, Going...Sold! Rep contacts you to standardize
your request and our automated systems will seek bides for this
from hundreds of dealers, labs and leasing company sources. We receive
bids compile them for you and provide you all bids received with a
discussion of cost /value. Imagine no more interactions with numerous
sources. Imagine being able to properly assess price/value when you
quotes from numerous dealers. Imagine the time savings and potential
savings. This service brings it all to you. Lastly you can take
of more then 20 years of technical equipment knowledge. Our staff are
professional sales reps from the industry who can advise you where to go
where to stay away
based upon years of experience.
Equipment exchange. Now there is an easy way for you to sell and buy
under $1000, spare parts and Manufacturers based demo and used items.
have implemented a new rating system to rate equipment so you know
what you are looking at in terms of quality before you spend the time
generating questions and contacting the seller. The new system allows
to directly interact with the sellers and buy direct from the website
through a purchase request type system. Currently this system is brand
and will be building steam over time so check back often for new
Lastly. Please let us know what you think. Many deals are appearing
This version of web site is our initial release
based on your feedback. We will be changing our auction format also in
next few months to allow you to set prices and automatically negotiate
auction for price. Look for this change It will be new and exciting. We
will also be sending you tools and software to allow you to easily enter
your small assets into a simple database to allow you to easily list it
with our site if you wish. You need only fill out a few questions, email
off and you are set. All listings are free with a cost a the time of
- Recent Arrivals -
Opening Prices
1. HP 5890 A with FID/Integrator 7673A autosampler $8,500.00
3. MicroBalance $2,500.00
4. Varian GC-MS with P&T $10,500.00
5. Waters HPLC Photo diode array system $4,800.00
6. Differential Scanning Calorimeter $700.00
7. Biocad Preparative HPLC w/Fraction Collector $36,000.00
8. Varian Star 3400 $5,900.00
9. 42 cage Auto waterRat housing Rat racks $200.00
Sale Closing : 3/10/99
Opening Prices
1. Waters 680 Automated Gradient Controller for HPLC $1,460.00
2. 4 Foot class 100 Bio Hood $2,000.00
3. Helium Displacement Pycnometer $4,500.00
4. ISO-DATA 20/10 GAMMA COUNTER $2,750.00
5. Simultaneous TJA 61 ICP $11,750.00
6. Tekmar 3000 Purge and trap $4,700.00
7. PE Autosystem with dual ECD and autosampler $7,000.00
8. MicroBalance $2,500.00
9. Biocad Preparative HPLC w/Fraction Collector $39,000.00
Sale Closing : 3/12/99
Opening Prices
1. Centra 4B $1,395.00
2. HP 5890 GC $8,200.00
3. (New)Stereoscope Zeiss Stemi 2000 $2,150.00
4. (New)Zeiss Stemi 1000 stereomicroscope $1,750.00
5. (new) Leica ATC 2000 full phase microscope $2,700.00
6. HP 5890 A with FID/Integrator 7673A autosampler $8,500.00
7. Waters LC Module 1 HPLC system $9,000.00
8. Solvent Recycler $2,500.00
9. Differential Scanning Calorimeter $700.00
10. Varian Star 3400 $5,900.00
Sale Closing : 3/17/99
Opening Prices
1. Nitrogen analyzer $6,500.00
2. Varian Saturn 1 GCMS $20,500.00
3. Pharmacia LKB Wallac Liquid Scintillation Counter 1410-001
4. VG 70SE Magnetic Sector GCMS $95,000.00
5. FTIR spectrometer PE 1600 6900. Buy 2 reduce cost 20%
6. (new)Bright Field Microscope (Achromatic) $1,950.00
7. (New) Infinity corrected Microscope system $3,900.00
8. Beckman J-21C and JA21 Rotor $3,000.00
9. Water Jacketed Co2 Dual Stacked Incubator $2,750.00
10. Diode Array UV/VIS Spectrometer $6,500.00
11. Purge and Trap $1,500.00
12. Chromatography Data System $3,000.00
13. Air Cooled Chiller/heaters for mixers and fermentors $4,500.00
14. Varian GC-MS with P&T $10,500.00
15. Waters HPLC Photo diode array system $4,800.00
16. 42 cage Auto waterRat housing Rat racks $200.00
Sale Closing : 3/19/99
Opening Prices
1. New Olympus Microscope $1,600.00
2. Polarizing Microscope $1,900.00
3. Phase Contrast Microscope $2,000.00
4. Perkin Elmer AAS2100 Flame AA $12,000.00
5. GATC DNA Sequencer - Direct Blotting Electrophoresis $5,000.00
6. Varian Spectra 10 Plus Atomic Absorbtion Flame and Furnace
7. Plate washer $1,760.00
8. (New)Bright Field Microscope (PLAN) $2,950.00
9. Coulter Counter model STKS $3,950.00
10. Blecha 120 environmental chamber $4,200.00
12. AutoBalance( new 9 months) $5,000.00
13. Prosys Protein Purification system $2,000.00
Sale Closing : 3/24/99
Opening Prices
1. Varian GC-3400 $2,000.00
(c) 1997, Internet Auctioneers International