machine brains

Jerry Hull ZZZghull at stny.lrun.com
Thu Mar 4 11:09:40 EST 1999

On Thu, 04 Mar 1999 07:36:33 GMT, malcolm at pigsty.demon.co.uk (Malcolm McMahon)

>It's important to remember though that the "wetware" actually changes
>the topology of the brain. It's more like an analogue than a digital
>computer in this respect, it rewires itself all the time.
>There isn't the clear distinction between hardware and software that
>characterises the digital computer.
>And, BTW, I still don't see any reason to believe consciousness is part
>of the mind.

Which makes consciousness part of what?

"However far you may travel in this world, you will still occupy 
the same volume of space".  Traditional Ur-Bororo saying.

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