machine brains

Simon Kesenci tomega at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 3 16:39:01 EST 1999

Michael Edelman wrote:

> I think you may be perhaps begging the question here. What does it mean to
> "think"? The brain is hardware. By itself, it does nothing. Does a computer
> "compute", or does the program?
> By "mind" we generally mean the self-aware entity, that which can introspect.
> -- mike

I think your analogy with computer hardware and software is appropriate.  I think
of the mind (teehee!) as a set of programs, and the brain as the hardware.  You
can always change your mind, upgrade it even.  And you can tune your brain with
drugs and sensory deprivation.

-Simon `the Heretic' Kesenci
Executor of the Get-A-Life Fleet.

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