activity-dependent plasticity in the adult

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Mon Mar 1 22:41:08 EST 1999

Also, check out Mezzernich (sp??), concurrent or coordinated
stimulation of different digits, etc.  I know, lit search goes poorly
with mis-spelled names.  Someone more sure of the spelling help me out?
 If no other recourse, search under Paula Tallal, who (I believe) has
sometimes co-authored with him, and get correct spelling and initials
that way.

Also--just thought of it-- extensive brain reorganization in one of Ed
Taub's deafferented monkeys.  A LONG delayed report (in Science?  5-6
years ago?) with multiple authors, but I think Ed was one; he's into
other things now, but lit search on his name starting 10 years ago
should locate it.

F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group

In <36DAB1A8.4C1978A6 at princeton.edu> Fallah <fallah at princeton.edu>
>    One set of answers can be picked up from Ramachandran's work,
>his more recent work:
>    Even in adulthood, you can remap your somatopic map just by usage.
>can also retune your auditory cortex to different wavelengths.  These
>also be reversed.  Showing that activity-dependent plasticity does
>to occur throughout adulthood, at least in some areas.  So if you want
>example of it, narrow your search to Ramachandran.  I'm sure there are
>of others out there too.
>    M. Fallah
>    PU

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