___ Step 002 of DIY AI: Implement your theory of mind.
Arthur T. Murray
uj797 at victoria.tc.ca
Tue Mar 2 05:52:29 EST 1999
http://www.dsv.su.se/ijcai-99/ The International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence 1999 to be held from 31jul to 6aug1999
in Stockholm Sweden leads to a Boeing local contact for IJCAI '01!
http://www.voltage-zine.com/konspiracy/1998/mentifex.html gives a
fair warning for holding 2001 A Space Odyssey here in Seattle WA:
/!i!i!i!i!i!\ ________ /iiiiiiiiiii\
/visual memory\ / \ / auditory \
| | / syntax \--------------|------------\ |
| | \ node / ______ | memory | |
| | \________/----/ \ | channel | |
| | | /function\ | | |
| /--------|--------\ | \ cable / | | |
| | | | | \______/ | ____ | |
| | | _V__V_ | | / \ | |
| __|__ | / \ | | /stored\ | |
| /image\ | /logico- \---------|------|--\ stem / | |
| /percept\----|----/conceptual\ | | \____/ | |
| \_______/ | \ cable / _____V__ | | | |
| | \________/ / \---|-----'____ | |
| | /inflection\ | /in- \ | |
| | \ cable /--|----/flec- \| |
| | \________/ | \tion / |
| | | \____/ |
http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/ see "The Art of Computer Mindmaking"
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