There ought to be a law against Do-It-Yourself Artificial Intelli-
gence (DIY AI), because look at what has already begun to happen:
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Mind-grid Arrays{ } in Robot PDAI /^^^^^^^^^^^\
/visual memory\ _________ / auditory \
| /--------|---------\ / LANG-UK \ | memory |
| | recog-|nition | \_________/---|-------------\ |
| ___|___ | | flush-vector| | ________ | |
| /image \ | ____V_ ____V__ | / \ | |
| / percept \ | /psi{ }\------/ uk{ } \----|-/ ear{ } \| |
| \ engrams /---|---/concepts\----/ lexicon \---|-\ phonemes / |
| \_______/ | \________/ \_________/ | \________/ | The Mindmaker Project will link you
to "The Art of Computer Mindmaking" -- a step-by-step instruction
manual on how any junior high school kid or precocious university
professor can hack up some code and produce a thinking automaton. Vernor
Vinge has already warned us about what could conceivably go wrong
with AI, but Vinge also states that the rush to AI is inescapable. Eric S. Raymond teaches
us DIY AI enthusiasts how to "harness the collective IQ" of count-
less individuals flung like stars across the Web of the Internet.