Does anyone know .....

Richard Norman rsnorman at mw.mediaone.net
Mon Mar 1 07:59:10 EST 1999

Sorry, 'B' and 'G' are adjacent on the keyboard -- and I don't know
how to place the accent using my american english key set.  I
already communicated the correction directly to the original poster.

F. Frank LeFever wrote in message
<7bd1o6$4e8 at sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com>...
>Please: NOT "Buillain", but "Guillain" !
>(and I believe an accent "acute" on the e in Barre, i.e. Barre' )
>F. LeFever
>In <7bctsk$1ag$1 at denws02.mw.mediaone.net> "Richard Norman"
><rsnorman at mw.mediaone.net> writes:
>>T wrote in message <7bc8ts$ee6$1 at ns1.otenet.gr>...
>>>Does anyone know anything about "Gillen Bares" (I am not sure about
>>>It is a disease paralyse the body gradually after a virus and high
>>I only have book knowledge (The Merck Manual).  Buillain-Barre
>>syndrome is "an acute, usually rapidly progressive formof
>>polyneuropathy characterized by muscular weakness and mild distal
>>sensory loss that about 2/3 of the time begins 5 days to 3 weeks
>>a banal, infections disorder, surgery, or an immunization...The
>>is unknown, although an autoimmune basis is probable."
>>Respiratory weakness can be life threatening in small percentage
>>of patients.  "90% of patients reach their maximal degree of
>>weakness in 3 weeks, most in the first 2 weeks."
>>"Severe acute polyneuropathy is a medical emergency, requiring
>>constant monitoring and vigorous support of vital functions."
>>"Considerable improvement over a period of months is usual; about
>>30% of adults have residual weakness at 3 years and the percentage
>>is higher in children."
>>My best wishes to you (or a loved one) if you are asking not just
>>a sense of curiosity.

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