___ Step 001 of DIY AI: Choose your programming language.

Neil Franklin neil at franklin.ch.remove
Mon Mar 1 14:52:41 EST 1999

uj797 at victoria.tc.ca (Arthur T. Murray) spams:
> There ought to be a law against Do-It-Yourself Artificial Intelli-
> gence (DIY AI),

There ought to be a law for legalising killing of spammers,

> because look at what has already begun to happen:
>   /^^^^^^^^^^^\ Mind-grid Arrays{ } in Robot PDAI /^^^^^^^^^^^\
[rest deleted to save our nerves from yet annother copy]

because look at what has already happened:

The same stupid diagram has be spammed now over ten times into our
innocent and unsuspecting newsgroup.

Tip: alt.folklore.computers is about OLD stuff, about the good/bad
old days. It is definitely not about some cranks favourite toy project.


You are honored with being entry #2 in my killfile.

#1 held since 1/2 year by KNT, Scientology spammer; for his plonking see:

Neil Franklin, Nerd, Geek, Unix Guru, Hacker, Mystic
neil at franklin.ch.remove http://neil.franklin.ch/
uNsTable - usable = NT

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